Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Done my Chainmail!

Sort of want to post pictures, but I mostly just want to show up places wearing it. I hope they make a lot of movies set in fantasy realms (or the past; I prefer fantasy realms). I'll be that guy!

I also cranked out some bracelets which really rock. Three were made in totally and I gave two away to awesome people. Might post pictures of the one I still have left. We shall see.

All in all, it was a fun, relaxing and rewarding experience. It actually helped me get through some tough times. There is a week of my summer known as "Hell Week". You literally have no idea how bad that week was. I swear to god, making chainmail bracelets saved my sanity. I am not in an asylum because of them, and they make great gifts!

Also, I figure I should link the two sites which really got me started and continue to be incredibly useful:
  • CG Maille: Awesome site full of tutorial and know how. The big thing is they really show you how to make good weaves with easy to understand diagrams that look beautiful.
  • Chainmail Basket: Really good knowledge base for tools, technique and unorthodox projects. I still really want to make a cube.
Also of note, don't do what I did and buy wire from home hardware. It's like 10 bucks for 150 meters. This project used about 500 meters and that get's expensive. Go to a farm supply store and buy electric fence wire. It's the same stuff, but 10 bucks will get you at the very least a mile. Then you can probably sell what you have left over for like 8 bucks.


P.S. Next project - bean bag chair. Anyone have a sewing machine I can borrow/use? Anyone know were you can buy the beans?

Buy Games New

Purchasing used games from EB really rips off developers. EB get's all the money and they keep it for themselves. You should really buy new games as that supports the people who made it and then they can make more.

Essentially when you buy a new game, you're sort of paying for that one, but mostly you're paying for them to make the next one.

To the developer, when you buy a used game, it's like piracy, but you gave your to money to EB games instead of keeping it. Literally they see just as much money from someone who bought a used game as from someone who stole it.

Spend the extra 5 bucks, so great companies like Bioware can keep making the games we love to play.
